It is hard to believe that our summer recess is over, and it is time for our September meeting.

Our program this month is presented by Ben Murrey from Independence Institute. Ben has an excellent power point presentation on the HH issue that will be voted on in November, and his program shows just how devastating this will be to each and every one of us if it passes.  Please bring your friends since it is imperative that everyone knows exactly what this is and that it is not as it is being presented.

Our National Federation of Republican Women’s 42nd Biennial Convention is the end of September in Oklahoma City and there are some particularly important issues that will be voted on at that time!  We will get reports from our delegates on what occurs — Jane Sievers, Judy Allen and I will be making the trip to Oklahoma City.

Also, our own Colorado Federation of Republican Women will hold its 85th Annual Convention in Loveland the last weekend in October in Loveland.  We are eligible for 6 delegates. One spot is for the club president, so we will be electing 5 delegates to the convention in October.  Please think about attending the convention and going as a delegate – it is an experience you will never regret.

The spirit of Freedom exists in the heart of every human being and our Constitution remains the greatest document ever written and grants us that Freedom that we cherish!  We will be electing new officers soon, so please consider stepping forward to serve and help us maintain that Freedom.